Welcome to MBU 2024!

When MBU began 27 years ago - less than 100 Scouts attended. Today, over 1,900 Scouts from all over the United States attend this single-day event, making our MBU one of the largest in the Nation. Whether this is your first visit to MBU or you are a veteran, please read the instructions carefully as some of our registration procedures have changed.

Ready to get started? First, review the Class Schedule and read through the Event Class Catalog. These documents contain class times, descriptions, requirements and special instructions from our Instructors. Take some time and review the Frequently Asked Questions document too. It contains a ton of information for parents - whether you're an MBU veteran or a 1st timer.

For more information or to register, visit our website at: http://www.tfcmeritbadgeuniversity.org/

Registration for February opens 12/8 at 7pm cst!

May 4 - Camp Big Timber