Outdoor Activity Award and Summertime Pack Award COVID-19 Guidance
For the outdoor activity award and summertime pack award, packs and dens should do their best to meet the intent of the awards. Put simply, "Do Your Best." If an activity that is required (such as day camp or resident camp) is not possible to take part in due to the COVID-19 pandemic, packs can utilize an alternative option of their choosing. Units should continue follow any restrictions outlined by your state and local health department or other local officials regarding gatherings etc.
The Great Virtual Camporee is a Virtual Camporee for Cub Scouts, Webelos, Scouts BSA, Venturers, Scouters and Families of Three Fires Council and beyond. Invite your friends, and Scouting friends from across the country!
With #ScoutingAtHome well underway, the BSA has collected some of the very best moments to re-cap and show just how awesome Scouting at home can be. Watch the first episode of ScoutingWire TV and keep #ScoutingAtHome!
There are several merit badges that your Scout can work on while at home during this time, such as basketry, family life, fingerprinting, personal fitness and more.
Three Fires Council is proud to announce virtual online merit badge courses!
We have created an online Scout Shop for you to order Scouting products while at home. Items will be shipped to your doorstep.
Virtual Roundtable Resources
Virtual Roundtable Videos
Scouts BSA Breakout Session
Advancement Breakout Session
Adventure Bingo
30 Day Challenge at Home
No-cost Virtual Field Trips that come with a companion guide packed with standards-aligned, hands-on learning activities! Live and on-demand virtual field trips in a wide variety of subjects. Plan a watch party with your scouts and visit cool places together without leaving home.
Plan a watch party or just invite your scouts to Facebook live events happening at cool places such as zoo's, museums, state parks, etc. These Facebook pages offer regular or daily live feeds.
An initiative to have Scouts write inspirational letters to the shut in community, elderly, and their caregivers during the COVID19 epidemic.
This special JOTI will be both educational and fun, bringing Scouting to the homes of young people around the world. It will be a space for young people and Scouts to connect, learn and build friendships during this challenging time of social distance.
Not sure how to connect with your unit during this global outbreak? Google is here to help! Google Classroom offers a free web service for creativity, distribution of materials, engagement and more. Explore the digital world of unit gatherings via the web.