STEM Nova Award Program
The BSA developed the STEM Nova Awards program to excite and expand a sense of wonder in our Scouts. By working with an adult counselor or mentor, the various modules allow them to explore the basic principles of STEM and discover how fun and fascinating STEM topics can be. A Scout who earns their first Nova Award will receive the Nova Patch. For each subsequent Nova Award earned a Scout gets a devise to pin on the patch. Earned Nova Awards should be recorded in Scoutbook.
If you enjoy a challenge, then earning a Supernova award is right up your alley. In order to earn a Supernova Award a Scout must work with an approve Supernova Award counselor. 8015Click Here to request a local Supernova Award counselor reach out to you.
STEM Nova and Supernova Counselor
For a Scout to earn a Nova or Supernova award they must work with a registered councilor. Nova Counselors must age 21 or older, a registered BSA Leader in position code 58(Nova Counselor) and have a current Youth Protection Training Certificate. A Supernova Mentor must meet the above requirements but we registered in position code 52 (Supernova Mentor) and complete the Supernova Award Mentor Information sheet. A Supernova Mentor must all be an expert in a STEM subject matter. Nova Counselor and Supernova Mentors must also complete the online training “STEM in Scouting.
Nova Award Unit Guides
The STEM nova and Supernova award program is an optional supplement to your every day Scouting Program. It gives a leader another tool to plan meetings and recognize Scouts who are interested in STEM related activities. STEM is not new to Scouting. Orienteering, fire building, cooking and pioneering are all rooting in STEM concepts. The STEM Awars program just repackages Scouting skills and takes advance of the nationwide interest in STEM. It also shows our Scouts and families that Scouting Skills have relevant applications that directly relate to what they are learning in school. Find out how you can bridge the connection between Scouting and STEM and implement the Nova Program in your unit.