Unit Fundraising
Fundraising efforts are most often an essential aspect of a troop’s operations. Beyond dues, troops need additional funds for a host of necessities—everything from camping gear to repairs on a troop vehicle.
If other than a council-sponsored product sale, before deciding on a fundraiser, unit leaders should refer to Guides to Unit Money-Earning Projects. Here are some informative links, pertinent to all troop fundraising:
- The Ideal Year of Scouting
- Funding Your Scouting Program: A Training Video
- Guidance on Individual Scout Accounts
- Fiscal Policies and Procedures for BSA Units
Unit Budget Planning Links
Scouting’s Vision, Mission, Aims, and Methods
Putting Skills into Action (video 3:18)
A Game with a Purpose (video 2:11)
We Are Scouts (video 3:05)