Three Fires Council Calendar of Events
You've come to the right place to connect with hundreds of activities at every level of our Scouting Program here in the Three Fires Council. Whether you're looking for a weekend outing opportunity for your Den, Pack, Troop or Crew, need to find a particular adult leader training course, or you're searching for one of our upcoming fundraising events - we've got you covered.
The TFC Calendar lists tons of events throughout the year and is super-interactive and flexible. You may narrow your search by program level (Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, etc.), by local District or by Council-level events and more. Search by camp properties as well as categories such as meetings, events, training, and advancement. You can even browse by month, a date or even by keyword. Once you've found your event, just click through and you'll be instantly connected to that event's information page. There you'll find all the event's details, contact information and payment instructions.
Spend some time getting to know this powerful tool and we're sure you'll find just what you're looking for.
You can search the entire calendar by selecting the Magnifying Glass in the upper left corner.
To select a specific District's activities, click on District in the calendar menu,
then check the appropriate option. Then apply the filter.