Step One: Prepare

To successfully recruit new families, a well-planned and robust pack program is crucial. Use the below links to complete your Pack’s annual “Ideal Year of Scouting” plan. Once your program is planned a complement recruitment plan can be created. Use the below Pack Recruitment Playbook to work through your fall recruitment plans.

Recruitment Planning Sign Up

Ideal Year of Scouting New Member Coordinator

Prepare Training Video Be A Scout Pin Updating


Step Two: Identify

Successful recruitment happens when families have been invited to come. The most common response to “Why haven’t you joined Scouting” is “We’ve never been invited”. Many families see our posters, yard signs and fliers but it does not equate to an invitation. While they are important, the personal invite is the most successful recruitment tool. In order to invite families to join we need to identify them.

Building an Invite List 

Signup Sheet

Step Two Training Video

Step Three: Promote

It is important to promote your recruitment events early and often. This requires that your recruitment's are scheduled with enough time to get the word out. Promotion of any recruitment should start 30 days before the event. Use the below Promotional Back Dater to successfully get the word out.

Order Recruitment Materials 

Social Media Playbook Promotional Back-Dater 

Promotional Methods  Cub Scout Brand Center  Step 3 Training Video 

Peer to Peer Cards 

Step Four: Sign Them Up

Everything done up to know has been so that new families are aware of how, when and where to join Scouting. It is important that every recruitment is set up so that new families can and want to sign up. Most families come to recruitment events with the intention of signing up. Use the below resources to ensure they do.

Other Recruitment Activities 

Cost of Cub Scouting  Family Talent Survey

Online Registration Guide Youth Application

Step 4 Training Video 


Step Five: Engage

It is important to engage new families quickly and consistently from the time they sign up. New families want to hear from you and are excited to start their Scouting adventure. Make sure they get connected with their den and receive personal invites to meetings and activities. Use the resources below to consistently engage with new families.

Welcome Email Template Scoutbook Parent Setup

Parent Guide Parent Agenda

Volunteer Commitment Form Pack Information Sheet

Step Five Training Video


Step Six: Deliver

Now it’s time to Deliver the Promise. It is important that all the fun and adventure that new families were promised happens. Follow your annual program plan and calendar and ensure families are having fun. If you do this Scouts will continue in the program year after year and parents will lean in and volunteer. Membership recruitment is not an extra thing that should be done it is an essential to ensure growth and depth in your Pack.

Cub Camps

Local Events

Popcorn Sale

Step 6 Training Video


Membership Contacts