The Basics
You've got questions. We've got the answers. Whether you're a new Den Leader and new to Scouting or you're a veteran of more than one level in Scouting Leadership - we can help. Start here with the Basics of Scouting. Visit the National BSA site and become familiar with the Scouting Movement and to draw inspiration for your interaction with your Scouts. Download a Youth Application, help others find a Scouting unit near where they live. Take Youth Protection, find online training classes and get trained in your leadership position. A Scout deserves a fully prepared and trained leader. Let's get your leadership adventure started.
Useful Links
BSA National Website
Be a Scout (Find a Unit)
BeAScout - Unit Pin Management
Youth Application
Adult Application
Youth Protection Online Training
BSA Learn Center ( login required*)
Council Calendar

The Next Level

You've got some volunteer time under your belt. You're familiar with Scouting and it's ideals and are ready to take the next step. Expand your horizons by becoming a merit badge counselor. Coach and mentor a rising young Scout through to Scouting's highest level - Eagle Scout. Complete and submit your unit's annual Charter and get the tools necessary to run a successful Friends of Scouting Campaign. We've got the tools to help you step up your game.
Useful Links
Merit Badge Counselor Application Process
Internet Recharter
Outdoor Ethics
Scout Life Merit Badge Center
BSA Merit Badge Homepage
Certificate of Insurance Request
Essential Tools
At every level of Scouting, there are a number of tools you'll need to be a successful leader and volunteer. Connect directly with Scouting for the latest and greatest tools, guidelines and program guides. Manage your personal training journey. Log your unit's service hours, plan an outing and more.
Useful Links
Log Unit Service Hours
BSA Internet Advancement Portal (Scoutbook)
My Training Records ( login required*)
BSA - Troop Leader Resources
Disabilities Awareness
Unit Fundraising Application

Forms & Guides

There's a form for that. And a Guide. Get the latest on advancement and safety precautions, download official BSA Health and Medical Forms and get the facts on planning safe outdoor adventures at every level of Scouting.
Useful Links
Guide to Advancement
Guide to Safe Scouting
BSA Health & Medical Forms
Just for Cub Scouts
Every Scouting adventure has a starting point. Cub Scouts is that point for thousands of young men in Three Fires Council. We've gathered a ton of resources to help you deliver a fun, engaging and challenging program for your Cub Scout Den or Pack. Whether you're brand new to the Cub Scout program or an advanced leader who's looking for new ideas, we've got some great resources for you to explore.
Useful Links
BSA - National Cub Scouts Website
Find a Cub Scout Unit Near Me
Get Your Cub Scout Uniform
BSA Learn Center ( login required*)
Cub Hub Blog - get connected with the latest happening in Cub Scouting
Starting a Pack Hiking Program


At every level, there are opportunities for improving the delivery of our Scouting program. As you progress through early leadership opportunities with your Pack, Troop, Crew or Post - to even more challenging roles at the District and Council levels - we're here for you. Find advanced resources for tracking advancement and unit activities. Dig deeper into the tools available from BSA National that will help you recruit youth and attract adult leaders. Get connected with the future of Scouting through the latest news and blogs. Wherever your journey takes you, we've got the resources to get you there.
Useful Links
ScoutingWire - Official Blog of the Scouting Movement
Aaron on Scouting - Scouting Magazine Blog
BSA Marketing and Membership Hub
BSA Brand Center
Resources for the Chartered Organization
Scoutbook for Merit Badge Counselors
Commissioner Tools
At the heart of the Scouting program are our youth - young men and women who learn the ideals of Scouting through outdoor adventures and activities that teach and reinforce the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Our adult leaders and volunteers are the engine behind the delivery of a quality program for our youth. Unit Commissioners support our Packs, Troops and Crews through coaching, advising and training. Our Commissioner cadre has a rich supply of tools and resources to draw upon to provide that support.
Useful Links
What is a Unit Commissioner
Unit Service Plan and Commissioner Tools
Online Commissioner Tools ( login required*)
Unit Assessment tools
Journey to Excellence Resources
Commissioner Recognition and Awards
Commissioner Portal

Advancement Central
Advancement is the process by which youth members of the BSA progress from one rank to another. The process of advancing is designed to provide experiential learning and personal growth in a fun, safe environment. Though goal-oriented, our advancement program is not a competition. We recognize that our youth learn and gain experience at different paces and through different means. We've gathered many of the resources and links you'll need for your Scout's journey below.